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See Our Terms and conditions

  • The Booking

Once we have createda trip thatsuitsyouwewillsendyou a confirmation of yourbooking and an invoice. Werequire a deposit of 40% of the trek cost per person, bepaid to the company to secureyourreservationat the time of confirmation.

  • Payment

Payment may be made by cash or by bank transfer .

You may alsopay by debit or credit card via PayPal. Please note that payments made by credit or debitcardmaybesubject to an additional charge of 3% of the value of the transaction whichyouwill have to add to the amountthatyou are paying.

  • Balance

Once the completed booking Form and deposit has been received an invoicewillbe sent, alongwith a receipt for the already paid. The balance of the payment (the last 70%) shouldbe paid (received by us) 10 days before departure or canbepaid in cash to your guide in the beginning of the trip.

  • If you cancel yourbooking

There can be reasons why someone may have to cancel their tour and thereforecancellationsmaybe made atany time whatsoever. If you or anymember of your party wishes to cancel yourholiday, you must notify us in writing, in any case the date of cancellationwillbeat the date on which notice isreceivedatour offices (not the date of yourletter or the date you post it). The personwho made the bookingform must also do the cancellation. As we must impose cancellation charges to coverourestimatedcosts. The cancellation charges willapply on the followingscale:

Number of days before departure Amount of Cancellation charges
More than 30 Days Deposit only
10-29 Days 50% of the Tour cost or Deposit amount
06-09 Days 75% of the Tour cost
05 Days or less   100% of the Tour Cost


  • If you change your booking

If, after your confirmation invoice has been issued, you wish to change your travel arrangement in anyway, for your chosen departure date or accommodation, we will do utmost to make these changes, but it may not always be possible.

  • Insurance

Morocco Mountain Guidesis not holding liability for anylosses, injuries or delaysduringour trips.

You are whollyresponsible for arrangingyourowninsurancewithadequate protection for the full duration of the holiday in respect of, at least medicalexpenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailments, baggage and money loss and liabilitycover. You shouldensurethatthere are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activitiesincluded in your tour.

  • Information Accuracy

Wealwaystry to provide an accurate and honest description of whatwecanoffer on ourwebsite, however if youfindanythinglackingplease let us know sothatwecan put it right as soon as possible.

  • Complaints

We do appreciateanycommentsregardingour services, as weconsidercommentsfrompassengers as part of ourquality control mechanism and we use them to continuouslyimproveour services

We organise our tours withutmost care and attention, and wechooseourpartnersverycarefully and based on personal experiences. As a result, we rarely have any complaints, but on the rare occasions we do,we follow the below procedure.

In the unexpected case of serious dissatisfaction, please let us know about the problem via email immediately (but no later than 28 days after finishing the tour). In your email please attach the scanned copy of the summary record including a short description of the problem, the place and date of recording and the signatures of all concerned parties (i.e. hotel staff and/or driver-guide and you).

Please, note that we always give a chance to our partners to tell their side of the story, so it might take us a bit longer (but no longer than 15 days) to answer your email.

  • Liability

We accept no liability for the failure of airline, flight provider, accommodation provider, hotel owners or ground agents. In the event that we should be liable under any term of the contract our liability shall be limited to a maximum of the price of your holiday (excluding flights).

We do take all reasonable steps in ensuring that the organisation maintains standards and provide a service thatis acceptable to the passengers. The information within this website has been compiled with all reasonable care and is correct to the best knowledge of the company and is published in good faith.

About Us

Morocco Mountain Guides is Travel services run by group of adventure holidays and private family tour Guides , since 2003. We are passionate about what we do and we love to travel. Our experience and knowledge make us one of the most trusted Tour Guides in the country.


Contact Address

Morocco Mountain Guides

Imlil Centre BP 43 Poste Asni 42152 par Marrakech

Phone: +212672845171

Whatsapp: 00212672845171


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